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Comments (6)

Minch - 6 March 13:01

Je sans complexes! Je viendrai a toi. Tu baise toutes les facons.

Veigel - 27 January 06:49

Chère amie, cher ami, En , tant de choses ont changé!

Gabrielle - 1 March 09:14

you like fuck big tits

Rosario - 6 July 13:32

Who's the black haired one?!

Pumarejo - 21 January 02:48

While my sex ed (in canada! was fantastic, porn was something we didn't cover. I don't think it was an intentional skip meant to create shame, I just think it wasn't thought of as part of the sex education curriculum! which is shit, but it was also over a decade ago. I'm so happy you exist to give people this education and also to make people like me think about what should be included in sex ed in the future!

Buchs - 1 December 13:59

I would give it all up if I could have you

Glen - 19 June 17:04

Nice! How many times have you jerked off to that ?

Alina. Age: 21
Katelina. Age: 27
Yvette. Age: 26